New Colorado Road & Recreation Atlas, 5th Edition

We’ve completely revised our Colorado Road & Recreation Atlas. This new 5th edition is the best recreation map book ever made for the Centennial State.

Colorado Atlas Cover

Fully revised Landscape Maps that now feature:

  • Ground cover or vegetation as the base layer, rather than elevation-based color.This brings the Colorado atlas in “base carto” alignment with several titles we’ve done this to in recent years with positive feedback and increased sales.
  • New overlay for BLM (yellow) and State (blue) lands, a big plus for hunters.
  • Hundreds of edits to road detail & condition and POI data, made as recent as March 2015. For example, this is the only atlas which correctly shows Browns Canyon National Monument (designated Feb 2015).

Recreation Guide improvements:

  • Re-compiled recreation data for every POI and resource contact (parks, field offices).
  • Reworked Mountain Recreation pages feature new listings and a clear view of all of Colorado’s 14ers (even the ones that don’t count).
  • A page-pair of destination photos and descriptions that help suggest iconic and out of the way destinations for travelers.
Recreation Atlases & Maps of The American West and Beyond